Discover Mindfulness

Discover Mindfulness

Join us for an experiential mindfulness workshop designed to help you find peace and presence in the midst of life’s chaos.

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Grief counselling

Grief counselling

The aim of grief counselling is to help you integrate the feelings of loss into your life

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A Blue Ribbon Day!

A Blue Ribbon Day!

The official handover was on Tuesday 13 February – a convivial and extremely well-organised affair.

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Take your pick!

Take your pick!

It might take a village to raise a child, but it also takes a village to provide a plethora of plants….

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Hi Five for Hi-Tec

Hi Five for Hi-Tec

Jan and Hi-Tec, on behalf of Coastal Kindness and our community, we thank you for your kindness and generosity!

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Medical emergency

Medical emergency

Ever thought what you would do in the event of an accident or medical emergency in your workplace or home?

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Klipfontein Tea

Klipfontein Tea

Well done Thembi for running with this and organising a wonderful event, and thanks to all those who supported her in ensuring a successful afternoon.

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Clinic upgrades

Clinic upgrades

The first phase of our project, once we have the funds, is a security fence around the clinic.

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Coastal Kindness is excited to welcome a new member to its team of volunteers! Please meet … (cue drumroll) … PRACTI-MAN!

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Without a care in the world!

Without a care in the world!

We can’t control the future, granted, but we can control extreme and debilitating reactions to what it might – or might not – hold!

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Have you lost focus?

Have you lost focus?

Forgotten the kids’ shots? Or your staff’s kids? be sure their shots are all up to date, and they’re safe.

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Stop press!

Stop press!

Coastal Kindness is now able to offer you the opportunity to learn CPR for free!

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Kenton Ja(m)boree

Kenton Ja(m)boree

Vaccination Station at Kenton Pharmacy on Thursday 10 February 2022. 09:30 to 15:30. There is no charge!

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We asked for sufficient funds to purchase three machines which, at the time, were thought to cost in the region of R15 000 each.

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Updated Coronavirus PCR

Updated Coronavirus PCR

As the miasma of Omicron and rising numbers swirls around us, it’s all too easy to lose touch with what’s sensible. With what’s practical. With what’s scientific.

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Proposed amendments

Proposed amendments

Granted that these are only proposed amendments, but one can hope they will be implemented nationwide – and soon.

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We really don’t know much about the new variant…..

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Masked ball? Or not?

Masked ball? Or not?

Silly season is almost upon us. Let’s do everything we can to make sure we all have a safe holiday.

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Down in the Dumps?

Down in the Dumps?

Feeling sad, angry, lonely, depressed or just emotional….reach out to us. We are here to help you.

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Stings, shots and sniffles!

Stings, shots and sniffles!

Your local chemist is here to help you with some first aid guidance when it comes to aches and pains, colds and flus, even some bee stings.

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Community Notice

Community Notice

A vaccination station will be set-up by the Department of Health, with the assistance of Coastal Kindness

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Keep on moving!

Keep on moving!

What’s the most transformative thing you can do in your life; for the health of your body and your mind? Yes! EXERCISE!

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Happy New Year

Happy New Year

For many, 2021 is going to be a much better year than 2020, but sadly the continuing effects of COVID-19 will mean that others do not have the luxury of looking forward to brighter, healthier days.

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12 Tips for Christmas

12 Tips for Christmas

This Christmas will be different for many of us. Here are some helpful tips from the SA Depression and Anxiety group.

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Coastal Kindness and Kenton Pharmacy

Coastal Kindness and Kenton Pharmacy

In order to keep our ‘oldies and vulnerable community members’ away from the ‘madding crowd’ this holiday season, Coastal Kindness and Kenton Pharmacy have come up with a cunning plot.

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Who to call?

Who to call?

Print out our ‘Who to call in an emergency’ flyer for this festive season.

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We need your help!

We need your help!

Please consider making a donation to help us continue our awareness campaign over the holiday season.

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The holiday season is nearly here!

The holiday season is nearly here!

It has been a strange and scary year for most of us and, for those who have lost family and friends to COVID-19, a particularly tragic and traumatising one.

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A super-spreader generally refers to a person who infects significantly more people with a disease than is usual.

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Quiet but busy

Quiet but busy

COVID-19 has been sleeping in our area for a while, thank goodness, but not so Coastal Kindness.

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Zoom, zoom …zoom

Zoom, zoom …zoom

Everybody’s doing it… getting in touch with friends and family, colleagues and clients on ZOOM.

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Pay it forward

Pay it forward

In true Kenton fashion, instead of just thinking about how they can make up for the months of lost trade, they’re paying it forward!

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Spreading the kindness

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