Chairman’s End of Year Report 2024
Coastal Kindness NPC provides practical advice and support, both physical and emotional
I am drowning in paperwork!
Coastal Kindness to the rescue! In the form of Cathy Campbell and her team of Excel-experts!
When (Coastal) Kindness is not enough
Ekuphumleni resident suffered a serious, potentially life- threatening, asthma attack.
Navigating the Holidays When You’re Grieving
This workshop is designed for anyone who is recently bereaved or has a hard time over the festive season.
First responders
As season approaches, Coastal Kindness is grateful to …
Who are PALCARE and what can they do for you?
Palliative care is holistic and includes comprehensive care delivered by a collaborative team of specialists.
New Coastal Kindness Support Group
Two years ago Coastal Kindness started their Alzheimer’s and Dementia Support Groups
Do good, feel good, raffle
Stand a chance to win some really awesome vouchers.
Behind the Scenes at the Fun Run
Talk about a community pulling out all the stops!
A fun run/walk an event to remember!
The turnout of locals, dogs, children, prams and all who came together to make the morning’s fun run/walk an event to remember!
Marselle Clinic Update on the Upgrade
Thanks to generous donations, Marselle Clinic is now protected by a strong security fence.
Medical first responders – your insurance policy
Fully equipped and efficiently functioning medical first responders team is a bit like having an insurance policy.
Do good feel good fun run
Join the fun run on Sunday 8 September at 11:00
Medical First Responders
Today we salute a special group of Coastal Kindness volunteers
In Memoriam Nicholas John Robert Wagg
Nick had a huge heart and brilliant mind. He cared very deeply about Kenton and its people.
Discover Mindfulness
Join us for an experiential mindfulness workshop designed to help you find peace and presence in the midst of life’s chaos.
Dawn swimmers brave the icy cold
Exhilarating, bracing, life-affirming, restorative, celebration of the rebirth of the sun
Our healthcare facilities matter
Coastal Kindness is raising funds to improve our local clinics
Dementia Care Practical Solutions
Coastal Kindness hosted The Association for Dementia and Alzheimer of South Africa
Dementia Support Group Meeting
Introduction to Mindfulness in Caring: Dr Susan McGarvie
Here we go again!
The active Medical First Responders group is extending their reach.
Grief counselling
The aim of grief counselling is to help you integrate the feelings of loss into your life
What can a Medical First Responder do?
Medical First Responders are private individuals who want to help where they can.
Tetanus Fact Sheet
What is Tetanus? All you need to know about Tetanus and more
A Blue Ribbon Day!
The official handover was on Tuesday 13 February – a convivial and extremely well-organised affair.
Take your pick!
It might take a village to raise a child, but it also takes a village to provide a plethora of plants….
Dementia Support Group Meeting
Lesley will talk about planning & making the decision to give up one’s home to move to a place with more support.
First responders
They are just a phone call away, and give freely of their time and expertise.
Hi Five for Hi-Tec
Jan and Hi-Tec, on behalf of Coastal Kindness and our community, we thank you for your kindness and generosity!
Medical emergency
Ever thought what you would do in the event of an accident or medical emergency in your workplace or home?
CPR courses for all
Want to do your bit to make Kenton a safer place for all? You do? But how?
Who to call in a medical emergency
These community volunteers will arrive with a Jump Bag and an AED machine.
Klipfontein Tea
Well done Thembi for running with this and organising a wonderful event, and thanks to all those who supported her in ensuring a successful afternoon.
Calling all holiday-makers!
Kenton has pulled out all the stops to make this a safer holiday destination!
Dementia Support Group Meeting
Sister Bonnie Kaplan will talk about palliative care. After the talk and group discussion there will be refreshments.
Emergency Numbers
Numbers change and old printouts get mislaid
Breaking Ground News
We have broken ground! On 11 September, to be specific!
Dementia Support Group Meeting
Dr Eleanor Galpin will talk to members and answer questions around Dementia.
Basic Home Care Course Completed
We salute you for giving of your time to make Kenton a safer place for all.
Dementia cases continues to increase worldwide
ADASA has appointed a number of Community Development Workers on part-time contracts around the country.
Spring clean at Ekuphumleni Clinic
You know keeping your house clean is a never-ending task and that a yearly spring-cleaning is a given.
Alzheimer’s South Africa
Soon Alzheimer’s South Africa will change to the Association for Dementia and Alzheimer’s of South Africa.
Who did we call?
It takes a community to make a community come together!
Introduction to basic home care course
We are organising a practical course in basic home care.
Practical tips for helping those with dementia
We all know that dementia, in all its many forms, is a progressive disease…
Keep clear!
Please be mindful of where you park when you are in town.
Dementia Support Group Meeting
Caring at home for a relative with dementia. Discussion led by Sister Pauline Naude. Thursday 15 June.
And the winner is
Hearty congratulations to the lucky winner of the ‘Reflection’ Raffle!
Off to a flying start!
The room swirled with laughter, animated chatter and exuberance.
Coastal Kindness in Kleinemonde
We had an informal meeting with the committee in Kleinemonde.
Jump bags needed
A kit bag containing whatever they might need in case of an emergency.
Personal Journeys with Dementia
A few of our support group members will lead a discussion outlining their personal journeys.
Reflection Raffle
Help us raise funds to upgrade our local clinics.
Clinic upgrades
The first phase of our project, once we have the funds, is a security fence around the clinic.
Dementia Support Group Meeting
Legal issues around ageing and dementia for families. Join our support group on 16 Feb 2023.
Dementia Support Group Meeting
Dr Eleanor Galpin will talk on the differences between normal ageing and dementia.
Let’s make our community a safer place
First Aid course ideal for beginners: Level One
Uncomfortable thoughts and discomforting realities
For those of us no longer so young and residing in Kenton; and for those whose parents do.
Paramedic on middle beach
Round Table has generously made its Middle Beach venue available to host the paramedics
Chairman’s Report / Christmas Letter 2022
So, what’s on the cards for 2023 … lots of courses, training, support and needless to say a whole heap of kindness.
Social gathering
Join us for a fun afternoon together
KOS First Responders Course
Be part of the first responders team and help save a life today
Dementia and Alzheimer’s Support Group
In 2019, according to WHO, 55 million people globally suffered from one of the 30 or so forms of dementia.
Cervical cancer vaccination
Did you know that cervical cancer comes a close second to breast cancer?
Dementia & Alzheimer’s Support Group
A support group provides a useful forum for people to share their experiences
Jam Jar
Sometimes you have to help us to help you
Branding Brag!
So today is our branding brag!
Rhino Run 2022
September’s Rhino Run was a smashing success!
1376 Hours of Oxygenation!
Our oxygen concentrators need your help
Masks made a difference!
Thank you Lydia and her team for both their hard work and for their kind donation!
How do you put a price on a life?
For the last couple of months, I have had nay-sayers’ conversations…
News from Coastal Kindness in Kleinemonde
Coastal Kindness committee of Kleinemonde are making their presence felt. We saw them well on their way to growing community awareness.
There’s a rat on my stoep
Dead rats courtesy of my cat cohorts
An emergency is just that
You don’t spend your life expecting an emergency – and they seldom happen
AED to Boknes
Boknes and Cannon Rocks now have their very own AED machine.
Coastal Kindness is excited to welcome a new member to its team of volunteers! Please meet … (cue drumroll) … PRACTI-MAN!
No flash in the pan!
We are here to stay
Long tall Sally – or Sam!
Coastal Kindness is looking for a tall, young, thin volunteer to work a couple of hours once or twice a week!
Goodbye, farewell, adieu, so long, old friend!
You’ve left me feeling breathless, had me tripping and stumbling because I couldn’t see my feet, steamed up my glasses, and hidden my smiles.
Without a care in the world!
We can’t control the future, granted, but we can control extreme and debilitating reactions to what it might – or might not – hold!
Local medics need our help!
We CAN improve those conditions and Coastal Kindness wants to do just that!
Welcome Kleinemonde
We have a new team in Kleinemonde…. welcome
Out of the woods
Did you think the pandemic was over?
Flu jab
Don’t delay – get your flu jab today!
There for you
Our CPR AED project is up and running.
Have you lost focus?
Forgotten the kids’ shots? Or your staff’s kids? be sure their shots are all up to date, and they’re safe.
Stop press!
Coastal Kindness is now able to offer you the opportunity to learn CPR for free!
Community braai
Our very first community bring and braai! Don’t miss out!
Equipment officer required
We have so much precious equipment that needs to be looked after.
In Memoriam of Redmond David Hind Taggart
For so very many reasons, we are thankful that Redmond was such an active participant in our Kenton community.
Stunning news!
We now have four shiny new AED machines all primed and ready for use.
What’s new on the vaccination front!
Amendments to COVID vaccination rules and regulations.
Kenton Ja(m)boree
Vaccination Station at Kenton Pharmacy on Thursday 10 February 2022. 09:30 to 15:30. There is no charge!
With a little help from our friends!
Thanks to the community’s generosity we have the equipment we need to save lives.
We asked for sufficient funds to purchase three machines which, at the time, were thought to cost in the region of R15 000 each.
Your life may depend on them!
As we prepare to welcome a new year, maybe a better year, we once again call upon Kenton’s kindness and generosity.
Christmas letter 2021
Thank you Coastal Kindness Volunteers
Updated Coronavirus PCR
As the miasma of Omicron and rising numbers swirls around us, it’s all too easy to lose touch with what’s sensible. With what’s practical. With what’s scientific.
Proposed amendments
Granted that these are only proposed amendments, but one can hope they will be implemented nationwide – and soon.
Important message from Dr Galpin
What to do when you have been in direct close contact with COVID-19
Who to call in an emergency!
Our updated ‘who to call in an emergency’ poster is available for you to save.
Rapid Covid test available in Kenton
Rapid Covid Tests are available in Kenton at the doctor’s rooms.
We really don’t know much about the new variant…..
Masked ball? Or not?
Silly season is almost upon us. Let’s do everything we can to make sure we all have a safe holiday.
Kenton Pharmacy Clinic
Did you know there is a clinic at Kenton Pharmacy every Wednesday morning, from 09:00 – 12:00.
Down in the Dumps?
Feeling sad, angry, lonely, depressed or just emotional….reach out to us. We are here to help you.
Stings, shots and sniffles!
Your local chemist is here to help you with some first aid guidance when it comes to aches and pains, colds and flus, even some bee stings.
Locked in? Locked down? Locked up?
It can soooo feel that way if you’re in quarantine or isolation. But never fear, Coastal Kindness is here!
You are the wind beneath my wings!
We couldn’t have done it, we couldn’t continue to do it, without you!
Zelda, you are a Coastal Kindness Hero!
Please meet Sister Zelda Neethling. No doubt she’s already a familiar face to many community members since she’s in charge of our local clinic!
Another Coastal Kindness Hero
Mohamed’s motto is “Make it happen!” and in putting this into practice, he makes a difference.
COVID-19 contact line list
Familiarise yourself with a contact list just in case you ever need to complete one!
Sing a song of heroes!
Have you been impressed by the expertise of the vaccinators now that you have had your COVID vaccination?
Have you been vaccinated?
We can’t do this alone. We’re all in this together
When to have your vaccine?
Wondering when is the best time to get your COVID vaccination?
Vaccination Stations August
Vaccination station dates, please arrive at the stations by 15:00 at the latest.
Traumatic stress and COVID
We’re used to thinking of trauma as resulting from a one-off life-threatening experience, but let’s not kid ourselves.
False positive COVID test? by Dr Eleanor Galpin
You may have heard people talk about false positives with regards to COVID tests. What does this mean?
Thank you for donations
A huge thank you to our amazing community!
Ekumphuleni and Kenton vaccination stations
Two vaccination stations will be set-up by the Department of Health, with the assistance of Coastal Kindness next week.
Marselle Vaccination Station
Whoever said “the old people are frightened of the ‘jab’” were talking nonsense!
Coastal kindness needs some money, please!
We need help with funding for a 10-litre oxygen machine.
Community Notice
A vaccination station will be set-up by the Department of Health, with the assistance of Coastal Kindness
Be aware – be careful – be responsible – be safe
As COVID-19 numbers rise dramatically throughout South Africa, we urge our local community to take extra care. We need to go back to our old ways:
What to expect at a COVID-19 vaccination site
Register on the electronic vaccination data system (EVDS) before going to a vaccination site.
Why have I not been vaccinated yet?
Coastal Kindness has pledged its support and assistance to the DOH in rolling out the COVID-19 vaccination programme in our area.
Vaccination registration for the elderly
Manual vaccination registration system for the elderly unable to register themselves online.
Covid-19 vaccination registration forms
In order to assist those who are not able to use a computer and/or do not have an internet connection….
Coastal Kindness keeps on, keeping on!
As we sit and wait for the third wave or, if not a third wave, the vaccination roll-out, please let’s not become complacent.
Keep on moving!
What’s the most transformative thing you can do in your life; for the health of your body and your mind? Yes! EXERCISE!
Food, glorious food!
… unless of course you don’t have any.
Kenton Cuisine Cookbook
If you missed out on the first run of the KENTON CUISINE COOKBOOK never fear the reprint in nearly here!
Let’s get our facts straight
Let’s expel some of the myths surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine
Teen suicide prevention week 11-18 February 2021
Suicide is the third leading cause of death in teenagers in the 15-19 age group
Covid-19 quietens down
We seem to be in a bit of a lull at present with COVID-19!
Happy New Year
For many, 2021 is going to be a much better year than 2020, but sadly the continuing effects of COVID-19 will mean that others do not have the luxury of looking forward to brighter, healthier days.
Thank you team Coastal Kindness
I am writing to thank each and every one of you on the Coastal Kindness Team for your incredible kindness during 2020
My Story, by Alan Malan
I have had Covid-19, two lots of pneumonia, and pleurisy. But I am a survivor.
Posters for the festive season
We’ve designed and printed some really cool posters to be displayed all over town.
12 Tips for Christmas
This Christmas will be different for many of us. Here are some helpful tips from the SA Depression and Anxiety group.
The 2020 Holiday Season Challenge
So dust off the Monopoly, get the playing cards out, light some candles and enjoy!
What we’ve done so far
We’d like you to know what we’ve done with money so generously donated to Coastal Kindness.
Coastal Kindness and Kenton Pharmacy
In order to keep our ‘oldies and vulnerable community members’ away from the ‘madding crowd’ this holiday season, Coastal Kindness and Kenton Pharmacy have come up with a cunning plot.
Symptoms of Covid-19
A printable poster. Help keep our area safe, we are all in this together!
Who to call?
Print out our ‘Who to call in an emergency’ flyer for this festive season.
We need your help!
Please consider making a donation to help us continue our awareness campaign over the holiday season.
Covid cases on the rise again
A message from Dr Galpin – Covid cases on the rise again
Token of thanks from Rotary
A big thank you to Rotary for your kind and generous acknowledgement!
The holiday season is nearly here!
It has been a strange and scary year for most of us and, for those who have lost family and friends to COVID-19, a particularly tragic and traumatising one.
A super-spreader generally refers to a person who infects significantly more people with a disease than is usual.
Quiet but busy
COVID-19 has been sleeping in our area for a while, thank goodness, but not so Coastal Kindness.
Kenton Pharmacy cares!
How lucky are we to have a community pharmacy that cares!
Feeling anxious, depressed, out of control?
Try these suggestions made by the South African Depression and Anxiety Group
Lockdown plays tricks on you
Coastal Kindness invites you to join a free Zoom information session on how to cope when “Lockdown plays tricks on you!”
Zoom, zoom …zoom
Everybody’s doing it… getting in touch with friends and family, colleagues and clients on ZOOM.
Silence is a void filled with anxieties
After so many months, days and hours of lockdown many of you must be in need of a good chat.
Pay it forward
In true Kenton fashion, instead of just thinking about how they can make up for the months of lost trade, they’re paying it forward!
Coastal Kindness home care resource pack
We have developed a home care pack for anyone who is isolating or in quarantine.
How to manage your stress
According to the Centre of Disease Control (CDC), Covid-19 can cause feelings of STRESS in adults and children
Easy-to-understand videos on coping with COVID-19
Our Education Task Team has been busy making simple, easy-to-understand videos.
Reasons to wear your mask
HUMILITY – considering others before ourselves.
No man is an island
Whether we like it or not, our behaviour and decisions have an impact on our community.
Lonely? Sad? Worried?
Help is on hand from a team of locally based counsellors who are available to counsel online.
What is Coastal Kindness?
We’re a group of individuals, with kindness in mind!