Thanks to generous donations, Marselle Clinic is now protected by a strong security fence from those who seek to break in and steal from the pharmacy which supplies so many local residents with their chronic medications.
But it’s also thanks to the smaller donations of Kenton residents that we are able to render the clinic more suited to our people’s needs. And your donations are equally valued and appreciated!
Here’s what one donor said about a contribution:
“I have a friend who is pregnant. Not a planned pregnancy. Quite the reverse. And the father, having done his part, wants no further responsibility. And there is no medical aid.
If you have a family member due to give birth in the coming months, I am pretty sure you have made timeous arrangements for that birth to take place in a private hospital, maybe in Port Elizabeth or elsewhere …
And that mother and child will have the best care money can buy … and there’s the rub.
What if there’s no money? And no medical aid?
Well, then, like my friend, you go to a government hospital in Port Alfred or Makhanda. And afterwards you go to Marselle Clinic to have the baby weighed and have vaccinations …
And you sit, with your newborn, in a waiting room under a hole in the roof which leaks when it rains, and where the ceiling has rotted away from being constantly damp …
The rest of the clinic might not be perfect but, oh, that leaking roof and that spongy ceiling …
I can’t pay for a birth in a private hospital or treatment from a private gynaecologist and paediatrician but I CAN contribute just a bit to upgrading the Marselle Clinic so that by the time the baby is born conditions will be a whole lot better ….
Please help …”
So how can you help?
Well, you can make a difference by donating here!
Or you could join the fun run, an initiative of the staff of Marselle Clinic!
Every single cent goes towards making Kenton and its surrounds a healthier and safer place to live, work and holiday!
Coastal Kindness – caring for you