Perhaps most of us fall comfortably between the two extremes, with occasional bouts of anxiety when we worry about what tomorrow holds for ourselves and for those we love.
But when we obsess about all the bad things that could happen, when we are paralysed by constant anxiety, when worry gnaws away at our peace of mind, then we need help.
Click here for a graphic depicting the signs and symptoms of debilitating anxiety. If you suffer from, let’s say, more than a couple of those, you should take positive, practical action.
You could contact SADAG 0800 456 789 or, here in Kenton, Ruleen 082 782 0287 or a new to Kenton psychologist, Cecil Wood 083 652 7486.
We can’t control the future, granted, but we can control extreme and debilitating reactions to what it might – or might not – hold!