Close on two years ago, Coastal Kindness organised a Support Group for family members and carers of people living with Alzheimer’s and Dementia, given the growing prevalence not just in Kenton, but globally. Guided by specialists in the field, and with input from ADASA, it has grown from strength to strength, with members benefiting from a range of activities at their monthly meetings: guest speakers, carer testimonials, shared experiences, a deeper understanding of the ailment and perhaps most importantly, moral and emotional support.
Perhaps the time has now come to establish a similar support group for family members and friends of those living with cancer and other life-threatening diseases and for those caring for the sufferers. Coastal Kindness would organise monthly meetings but they would be led by professional counsellors. Our hope is that we can, here too, provide support not only practical and medical but also emotional. So you know you are not alone. So you know others care and are ready to help and share their experiences. So you can benefit from the guidance of two exceptional counsellors: Dr Susan McGarvie and Marietjie Bezuidenhout, whose academic expertise and practical knowledge combine to make them the best to guide and help you!
Meetings would be held monthly and at no charge.
If you feel you or others you know would benefit from such a support group, please let us know. If there is sufficient interest, sufficient need, Coastal Kindness will not hesitate to set up and organise this support group.
It’s in your hands now if you want it to happen.
Drop a note to
Coastal Kindness – Caring for you