Kenton Ja(m)boree

Jan 31, 2022

Vaccination Station at Kenton Pharmacy on Thursday 10 February 2022. 09:30 to 15:30. There is no charge!

Last year’s vaccination stations in the various halls in and around Kenton were a huge success, with so many flocking to be jabbed. A few minor drawbacks, though – one never knew when and where the next one would be – and the queues …

But, as of Thursday 13 January, it all became sooo much easier! Dare I say, so much more civilised? Now it’s always a Thursday, and always in the same place! And just one WhatsApp message to clinch your Thursday booking – and another to confirm it. No queue to speak of, other than virtual …

What hasn’t changed are the DOH vaccinators, and the Coastal Kindness volunteers making sure you step up to the right place and at the right time. And the smiles of greeting and reassurance even if they are hidden by masks!

Just over 100 vaccinations can be done each Thursday and if the bookings keep on coming, so will the vaccinators!

So if you need a jab, J&J or Pfizer, or a booster for yourself, your family or your staff, watch out for notices like this on 365 and other WhatsApp groups and various FB pages and spread the word:

Vaccination Station at Kenton Pharmacy on Thursday 10 February 2022. 09:30 to 15:30. There is no charge!

Bookings will be taken for Pfizer and J&J.

Please note Boosters will only be given 180 days after last vaccination for Pfizer! 60 days after for J&J. Please check your dates carefully before booking.

If you want to book for your first vaccination, please make sure you are registered on EVDS.

To book send a WHATSAPP to 083 229 1380. Name – Surname – Cell Number – Pfizer or J&J.

You will be sent a time slot by WhatsApp. Don’t forget to bring your ID and Vaccination Card with you on the day!

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