“Mens sana in corpore sano” Juvenal, around the end of 100AD!
What’s the most transformative thing you can do in your life; for the health of your body and your mind? Yes! EXERCISE!
Wendy Suzuki, a Neuroscientist at NY University, with no social life, was persuaded to break out and take part in a river rafting trip. Horrified at her poor level of fitness, she decided she was never going to be the weakest member of such a group again.
Thus started an all-out fitness campaign. Persisting with her plan, she became fitter, stronger, more flexible and lost weight. AND…something else! She noticed a huge mood and energy boost after every session! She was fired up to switch her research from “Memory” to: “Long Term Effects of Exercising”.
Her findings? The brain itself started to change. Physically. Yes, producing more cells! Concentration, attention span, long term memory and reaction time improved, as did general health, the immune system, cognitive function and mental health.
There was a decrease in CHRONIC PAIN, osteoporosis, number of falls and onset of Alzheimer’s.
Sound like a Silver Bullet? IT IS! So how much physical activity do we need? 150 mins + per week. It should include periods of increased heart rate and may be done in small bites. Individual needs are specific; so find out your optimum!
Stay safe… and KEEP MOVING!
Margie Morell
A physiotherapist practicing and living in Kenton.
“Mens sana in corpore sano” – A healthy mind in a healthy body