The drive is truly magnificent, the views some of the best in the world. And if you’ve never stopped off in Kleinemonde you’re missing a treat. Great beaches, lovely little village with a farm shop and delicious treats and coffee at the Lily Rose.
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss emergency response experiences and the challenges that both groups experience, as well as current projects being run in Kenton.
Common medical response experiences were swopped to see if there were any areas where we could learn from each other. It was clear from both groups that communication was a key area to consider both during an emergency and in the wider sense of getting the message across to residents and visitors that there are volunteer services available to help prior to an ambulance and parameds arriving on the scene.
Both our first responder groups need to be able to effectively unpack and identify the contents of the “jump bags” for use at the scene of an incident. Kleinemonde have introduced a “Unpack your Jump Bag” talk and demonstration and are happy to share this with us in Kenton. We will be arranging days and times in the near future for these demos.
We spent a while discussing beach emergencies and how to deal with them. Kenton has the benefit of NSRI and lifeguards (during the season) whilst Kleinemonde are very much left to their own devices. We threw around some ideas that may be helpful on how to react to emergencies on the beach and what specialised kit and skills may be needed.
The dementia support group in Kenton has become highly successful and is very well attended. Kleinemonde are following our progress with great interest as it could be a service to introduce to their community shortly.
Simon and I gave an overview of the challenges we have in both funding and getting the clinic project up and running. Although not relevant to Kleinemonde still very interesting to hear about the background and progress of the project and they have kindly supported us in this respect by buying our “Reflection” raffle tickets.
All in all, a very fruitful meeting and it was agreed that more meetings between the groups will be arranged.
Thank you Robbie