Basic Home Care Course Completed

Aug 31, 2023

We salute you for giving of your time to make Kenton a safer place for all.

As we come to the end of the courses organised throughout this year, Coastal Kindness thanks everyone, trainers and trainees alike, who taught and who attended these courses. We salute you for giving of your time to make Kenton a safer place for all.

And last but in no way least, thank you to all the trainers and the fourteen attendees of our most recent, and rather different, training course of the year. Rather than a focus on short-term and emergency aid to the public at large, this course was all about long-term care for the frail and elderly within their own homes.

The course, which ran over five afternoons, was devised, written and presented by Sister Anette Rex. She was ably assisted by a number of co-presenters:

  • Gail Whitnall, a retired physiotherapist whose enthusiasm and energy would put many younger folk to shame, showed attendees how to lift and mobilise a patient and how to deal with slips and falls, as well as exercises for dementia patients;
  • Sister Patricia Bart taught attendees all about wound care;
  • Sister Stephanie Malberbe’s topics were routine nursing and ethics;
  • Staff Nurse Pauline Naude was responsible for ensuring the trainees knew about the symptoms of dementia and how to care for those living with this disease; and
  • Sister Karen Stirk provided summaries in isiXhosa.

Two of those attending were actually present at the invitation of Coastal Kindness: Tanya Rademeyer and Lillabet Jacquelin of Assisted Home Nursing. They found the course to be “a great introduction to Home Care” adding that “the input from all presenters, who had a wealth of knowledge in palliative care, was practical and easy to follow.”

Together with practical experience in a care facility, the course, they felt, would enable potential care workers to pursue a career in home-based care. High praise indeed!

And we have to conclude with a comment from a charming email from Catherine, one of the trainees: “There were so many things that we learnt on this course which I didn’t know before and if there was another higher course available, I would really like to do it next year!”

Well, Catherine, who knows? Maybe!

Meanwhile, there will be further opportunities to attend another course in Basic Home Care in the coming year.

Lastly, a huge thank you to Two Rivers for making your facilities available as a training venue!

Coastal Kindness – closing the gap!

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