Last week we saw Coastal Kindness deliver one of our AED machines to Boknes. With Cannon Rocks and Boknes being a bit of a drive away from Kenton, it made sense to locate one there permanently.
In the event of an emergency, it could be thirty precious minutes before a team from Hi-Tec and Gardmed could be on the scene. Thirty precious minutes that could mean the difference between life and death. A good half of that golden hour!
As it is, with an AED in situ, it can be accessed in a matter of minutes – and, remember, even the untrained can use an AED in an emergency! Think Siri! Think Alexa! Think Google Maps! It actually talks to you, so you can’t go wrong! It will tell everyone to stand clear – and if there’s actually a regular heartbeat, it just won’t send an impulse! You can’t go wrong! Oh, the wonders of modern technology!
Eventually it will be stored somewhere accessible to the public 24 hours a day, but until then it is safely lodged in the home of Dr Piet Vosloo at 339 Pero Street, Boknes. He can be reached on 083 229 1380 if you need to access the machine in an emergency.
Seen at the handover – a casual affair, this is after all the Barefoot Capital – are, from left to right, Adri Groenewald, Thinus Smit and Dr Piet Vosloo, all from Boknes, and Sue Hendry and Margie Morrel of Coastal Kindness. Not seen (because he took the pic!) is Patrick Miller, also of Coastal Kindness.
Coastal Kindness – working together to make our community safer!